Wednesday, March 22, 2006

3.22.06 Can't Stand Secret Nuts

I can't stand having secrets and I am not very good at keeping them either. Whenever I find the perfect present for someone or get the juiciest news, I tend to give the present early or find someone who the news doesn't concern and tell, tell, tell. There have been so many times that I wish I was not this way; however, I am and I have to deal with it.

When I started this blog, I wanted to remain anonymous so that I could feel free to post anything I wanted. It was going to be an outlet for me; especially, on Half Nekkid Thursday. Well, it is driving me crazy having this "secret"! When I am with people, I constantly thinking about my blog and the question "Should I tell them?" I am nutso or what? What is my deal?

To solve my "problem", I thought I would tell a few people and then maybe get over this silly obession. I mentioned the blog to my brother-in-law who is the keeper of ALL secrets. This is one guy you can completely trust with ANY matter how good (or bad) it is. We started talking about how I can't keep secrets and that not telling people about my blog might be the reason I haven't slept in four days. Yep, I'm nuts! He and my husband also concluded that the word "blog" sounded dirty. Yep, they're boys!

Anyway, this was my brother-in-law's advice..."Well, maybe you need to do what I do. Have one main blog that you play with all the time; then, have two other blogs right below it." Yep, he's nuts (or at least he really likes them)!


Blogger Leesa said...

I'm the same way. Not many know about my blog, and so I sometimes almost slip and mention something about it.
I also have "two" blogs...which I think you figured out already :) I still love that necklace up there!

8:41 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

I guess your secret is really out now! (heehee)

6:39 PM  

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