Wednesday, April 19, 2006

4.19.06 A Funny Way To Say Things

I say the days of the week like this: Mondee, Tuesdee, Wednesdee…you get the idea.

My mom says the word “on” like you would pronounce “own”. She also says “pilla” for the word “pillow”.

My dad has made so much fun of his mother for saying this: “Raise the windas [windows] down”: that he says it too.

My brother used to call a book a “berk” and milk “milch”.

As a baby, my sister called her blanket a “gink gink” and she called our brother “boy”.

My grandmother says “waked” instead of “woke” and it is actually correct either way.

I speak with people every day that make “dog” a two syllable word and actually pronounce the “l” in “talk”. I really do…it’s not just in the movies, folks.

What do you or your family say that’s funny?


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