Monday, April 03, 2006

4.3.06 Monday Me

#59. I have a Quote of the Month club.

I have a BA in English and a minor in Psychology. I was going to teach for a living because, for a working mom, teaching provides the BEST schedule. Life lead me in another direction after my daughter's death and I now work in the oil and gas industry as a Division Order Analyst. Lots of research...some math...not at all what an English degree offered. To keep in touch with my "English" roots, I started a Quote of the Month club. Around the first of every month, I send out a quote that I find interesting, thought provoking or funny and send it to my family, friends and co-workers. The quotes usually connect to what is going on in my life or mood at the moment. (Humm..I see multiple blog entries starting to form...)

I will now pass on the wisdom to my loyal readers and all passersby. Please visit around the first of the month of every month to read the new quote. Enjoy!!

"God gave us memories so we might have roses in December." ~ James Barrie


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