Monday, November 06, 2006

11.6.06 Burnin' The Midnight Oil's going to be a late night. I am staying at work until I have this mountain beside me down to a mole hill.

I am staying by choice. My boss and the company do not put pressure on me to have things done the way I choose to have them done. I put the pressure on myself. I like to get something in on Monday and have it out no later than Friday. Industry standard/average is 3 months. 3 MONTHS!! I don't know how they can stand it. I go crazy when something is in my inbox for more than 2 weeks. And, that is exactly where I am sitting right now....2 weeks "behind".

There is something good that comes out of all of this. I do eventually get "caught up" and my weeks are better. Also, I always get the high end of the raises. My last raise was 14.85%. Yep...that's not a typo. I got a nearly 15% raise a few months ago. It was (and still is) nice. I am also up for another small raise in March. Not too bad. At least, I can see and feel the pay off for all my hard work.

My SWEET husband is coming up to the office to bring me dinner. We are having tomato soup, crackers, cheese and of my favorite dinners. He is also staying until I am ready to go home. He needs to study and he needs to get out of the apartment. My office will provide a great place for him to study. There is an empty desk near me; so, he will be able to spread out and really study.

So, here I am bare footed and wrapped up in my favorite sweater working my hiney off. It's nice. Hope you all have a good night.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you weren't working too late!That was very sweet of your husband to bring you dinner, and it sounded really good. Love tomato soup.

7:08 AM  

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