Thursday, November 02, 2006

11.2.06 It's November Already?

I have been saving this picture for quite some time now; but, nothing seems to go with it. So, I am posting it today just because I like the picture.

I am toying with the idea of taking a break from blogging. I have been feeling really stressed out lately and would like to cut back on anything that is not necessary. The problem is I can't find things that I do that are not necessary. Blogging is one of the "un-nessaries" but I like it. What is silly is that blogging stresses me out. I have all these things I want to post or talk about; but, then I decide against them because it would take too much writing or I am afraid I will offend someone or I am afraid someone I know will read it and then ask me about it. Then, my blog is not a true reflection of me (which I want it to be); so, I get stresed out even more. Think I have a problem?

Blogging also takes time. I feel like I have not time. Here is my weekly schedule:
Try to get out of bed by 5 AM
Try to leave the apartment by 6:15 AM
Ride 6:30 AM bus
Start work at 7AM
Leave work at 5:30 PM
Ride 5:40 PM bus
Get home 6:30 PM
Change clothes, say hello to husband and pets
Walk dog 7:00 PM
Try to cook dinner 7:30 PM
Dinner ready by 8 - 8:30 PM
Try to be in bed by 9 PM so I am not so tired in the morning
In bed usually around 11 - 11:30 PM
Really tired and running late next morning

This schedule leaves me NO TIME for ANYTHING. What time I do have, I should be cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping, etc etc etc. Weekends you say? Usually busy or out of town. However, if I get things done, it is on the weekends. To have fun or relax, I schedule it. What can I do to change this?

OK. Rant over for now.

Other things going on in my life....My husband (who needs a code name for the blog) is out of town. He is in Tampa, Florida at a convention for work. He seems to be having a good time.

Last night, my sister and I went to hear the UT Wind Ensemble play at the Meyerson Symphony Center. We had box seats. I was going to scan my ticket and the porgram; but, it takes too much out of me (see the above paragraph). My sister looked FABULOUS! She was dressed in a black suit, a sparkley black sweater/top, black hills, chanderlier earrings to match the suit...F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S! It is the first time I have looked at her and saw an adult standing in front of me. She is six years younger than me and the youngest in the family...she's the baby. But, last night she was all grown up. JB, you have turned into a beautiful, strong, amazing, intelligent, amazing, wonderful, sweet, beautiful and amazing woman. You make me proud, kid!

Ok...I need to eat some lunch. My boss came into my office and said, "Eat lunch. It's time." I said, "I know. I will in a minute." "OK, " she said, "I just don't want you to forget."

Yes. I forget to eat sometimes...stress...stress...busy...busy...busy...

P.S. I will post San Antonio pictures as soon as I remember. lunch.


Blogger Unknown said...

If I worked that much, I'm almost positive I wouldn't be doing very much blogging. Glad you and your sister went to the Symphony. Sounds like you two had a fabulous time. Please be sure to eat, I do the same thing with Breakfast, by the time I get around to eating, it's 11 and I might as well call it lunch!
Enjoy the rest of your day!

1:05 PM  
Blogger Redhead Editor said...

I'm exhausted just reading your schedule, 5AM?? I don't do anything at 5AM. It's too bad you can't blog on the bus ride. We would all certainly understand why you would have to take a break from blogging. We would miss you, but we would understand.

10:33 PM  

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