Friday, August 11, 2006

8.11.06 Friday Favorite

One of my favorite vacations was the trip my husband and I took to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico and the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was the first road trip and major vacation we went on together and it was a BLAST!!

I loved the time I got to spend with just my husband. It was just the two of us for an entire week. We have a lot of family that is close by and we both work full time; so, time off with just each other is rare and far between. Sure, we have every evening together; but, they are filled with the mudane rutines that fills everyone's life. This trip was nothing but fun, relaxation, lots of giggles, great pictures and wonderful memories.

My husband did not travel much before he met me. Actually, he had only been out of the state one time and it was spending 10 -20 minutes across the state border to pick up some family members. Seeing him see things for the first time is so much fun and makes it that much more impressive.

On the way to the Grand Canyon National Park, we drove through a 4 hour snow storm. My husband has never really seen snow before. (He has seen the little flurries that fall here in Texas. The "snow" adds up to maybe an inch or two on the ground and is melted when the clouds clear and the sun shines through.) We stopped to play in the snow near the park (photo to left) and it came up to my husbands thighs! He was thrilled. We drove all the way to the desert to see snow!

Because the weather was so cool, it made hiking the Canyon WONDERFUL. It also made it easier to stay hydrated, cool and comfortable. We hiked half way down to the Indian Gardens on the Bright Angel trail and back up the same way (Top Photo - Bright Angel Trail). The hike took us all day and just for show we RAN out when we got to the top.

We also took our first helicopter ride over the Canyon. That was cool. Soon after we got home, my husband signed up for helicopter pilot lessons and is one hour from getting his pilot license.

What's your Friday Favorite? Leave your link in the comments and I will come and visit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Friday Favorite a meme? Anyway, thought I'd comment anyway even though I don't participate in it.

I visited the Grand Canyon years ago, and it was one of the most wonderful sights I have ever seen. I'm trying to get hubby to come with me on a trip to the USA, but he's a little stuck in his ways.. and prefers his home soil. Grrrrrr

Mandy :=)

11:15 AM  

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