Friday, May 19, 2006

5.19.06 Friday Favorite

My favorite piece of advice for the day...I have two massage therapists. One is named Robin who comes to my office every other Friday and gives chair massages to anyone who signs up for one. I see Robin once a month. The other is a French-man named Ben. Ah, Ben. Ben is the owner of a wonderful spa downtown that I visit every two weeks so that I can get a pedicure. I see Ben once a month for a full body massage. Let me say again...Ahhhhh, Ben. He's very cute...but, I digress.

I saw Robin today; and, thank goodness because I was feeling very stressed and a little anxious (for no apparent reason). Robin reminded me to breathe, gave me a wonderful massage, gave me a few tips on meditation at the work place and gave me my favorite piece of advice for the day. She told me to take my shoes off (YEA!! I love barefeet!) and wiggle my toes for a full 60 seconds. It is a relaxer...she says. How fun is that?!!!? So, when I am leaning back in my chair with my legs straight out wiggling my bare piggies, I will be relaxed and happy. Despite the odd looks I may get from co-workers and my boss. I'll just tell them (with a very straight and serious face), "Leave me alone. I am finding my happy place."


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