Monday, May 22, 2006

5.22.06 Monday Madness and Other Frustrations

How many simple things have you learned to appreciate more, for one reason or another? Please list them and feel free to elaborate on each.

Above is today's Monday Madness. I love the topic. Actually, it is one of my favorite topics to reflect upon and write about. I am super busy at work (as always) and don't have the time this morning to spend on the subject like I would like to. Therefore, I will post my Monday Madness this evening when I get home.

Other frustrations...My apartment is messy. I am very distracted today. I need to balance my checkbook. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new kitten. We are moving at the end of July and I have to start thinking about that. It's a possibility we might not get the apartment we want. Why can't we have a house with a yard? I know the answer to that question. I am ready for my husband to start back to school. He is, too. I want my sewing days back. My car needs an oil change and needs to be cleaned. Yesterday, the dials in the car wouldn't work. There are other things wrong with my car. My car is only 2 years old and I take car of it. I don't like car dealerships; but, it looks like I will be making a trip to one soon. I keep hitting the "A" key when I mean to hit the "Shift" key. When I blog at work, I feel like Chandler in the episode of Friends when he starts smoking again and is smoking at his desk at work and is trying to hide it. I need to get back to work.


Blogger Kelly said...

I can totally relate to blogging at work. I have to hide it and I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I'm in school right now on a break and booked it to the library to check on my favorite blogs! I hope you get your car fixed soon, I can't believe that your car is only 2 years and your having all these problems.

I didn't get to my Monday Madness either today, I'm looking forward to reading yours.

4:40 PM  

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